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English abbreviation dictionary - far


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U.S. gov. abbr.
Federal Acquisition Regulation transport. abbr.
Federal Aviation Regulation transport. abbr.
Federal Aviation Regulations mil. abbr.
False Alarm Rate mil. abbr.
Field Artillery Regiment mil. abbr.
Fighter Attack Reconnaissance mil. abbr.
Functional Analysis Review mil. abbr.
Federal Acquisition Regulation airport code Hector Airport, Fargo, North Dakota USA airport code Fargo, North Dakota USA ocean sc. abbr.
Federal Acquisition Regulation univ. abbr.
Faculty Appointment Recommendation univ. abbr.
Freshman Advisement and Registration electron. abbr.
Failure Analysis Report gen. comp. abbr.
File And Archive file ext. abbr.
Farandole Composer Module Music file non-prof. org. abbr.
Fun, Arts, Recreation Conservatory of Therapeutic and Performing Arts non-prof. org. abbr.
Farm Animal Refuge educ. abbr.
Fun At Recess educ. abbr.
Fun, Arts, And Recreation educ. abbr.
Fun Art And Reading educ. abbr.
Fun Art Recreation law abbr.
Falsely Accused Of Racism law abbr.
Felony Advanced Resolution gen. bus. abbr.
Floor To Area Ratio gen. bus. abbr.
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См. в других словарях

  ~1 adv comparative farther or further superlative farthest or furthest »A LONG DISTANCE« 1 »LONG DISTANCE« a long distance  (Have you driven far? | We walked much further than we had intended. | far away)  (My parents don't live far away. | far above/below/across etc)  (The office blocks towered far above them. | far from/far away from)  (We were sitting too far away from the stage to be able to see very much.) 2 how far used when asking or mentioning the distance between two places or the distance someone has travelled  (How far is it to the station? | I wonder how far we've walked today.) 3 as far as up to a particular point or distance  (The flood waters had come up as far as the house.) 4 as far as the eye can see up to the longest distance away that you can see  (hills sweeping back as far as the eye could see) 5 far and wide over or from a large area  (hunt/search far and wide)  (He would hunt far and wide for rare medicinal herbs. | travel/wander/spread etc far and wide)  (Since then I have travelled far and wide.) MUCH/VERY/A LOT 6 + adj/adv far stronger/far more intelligent/far more quickly etc much stronger, more intelligent etc  (She works far longer hours than I do. | You'll get there far more quickly by car.) 7 far too much/long/soon etc much too much, long, soon etc  (It costs far too much money. | It's far too early to tell if she'll be OK.) 8 to a great degree  (far above/below)  (The increase in inflation is far below what experts predicted. | far removed (=very different))  (Life on the islands is far removed from the hustle and bustle of life in Manila.) 9 by far/far and away used to say that something is much better, worse etc than anything else  (The grass snake is by far the most common snake.) GIVING YOUR OPINION 10 as far as I'm/we're concerned spoken used to give your opinion about something  (As far as I'm concerned, it sounds like a great idea.) 11 as far as sth is concerned spoken used to give your opinion or to state facts about a particular thing  (This has been a difficult period as far...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: 'Far' has two comparatives, 'farther' and 'further', and two superlatives, 'farthest' and 'furthest'. 'Farther' and 'farthest' are used mainly in sense 1, and are dealt with here. 'Further' and 'furthest' are dealt with in separate entries. 1. If one place, thing, or person is far away from another, there is a great distance between them. I know a nice little Italian restaurant not far from here... They came from as far away as Florida... Both of my sisters moved even farther away from home... They lay in the cliff top grass with the sea stretching out far below... Is it far? ? near ADV: ADV after v, v-link ADV, usu ADV prep/adv 2. If you ask how far a place is, you are asking what distance it is from you or from another place. If you ask how far someone went, you are asking what distance they travelled, or what place they reached. How far is Pawtucket from Providence?... How far is it to Malcy?... How far can you throw?... You can only judge how high something is when you know how far away it is... She followed the tracks as far as the road. ADV: how ADV, as/so ADV as, ADV compar than 3. When there are two things of the same kind in a place, the far one is the one that is a greater distance from you. He had wandered to the far end of the room... ? near ADJ: ADJ n 4. You can use far to refer to the part of an area or object that is the greatest distance from the centre in a particular direction. For example, the far north of a country is the part of it that is the greatest distance to the north. I wrote the date at the far left of the blackboard. ADJ: ADJ n 5. A time or event that is far away in the future or the past is a long time from the present or from a particular point in time. ...hidden conflicts whose roots lie far back in time... I can’t see any farther than the next six months... The first day of term, which seemed so far away at the start of the summer holidays, is looming. ADV: ADV after...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  adv. & adj. (further, furthest or farther, farthest) --adv. 1 at or to or by a great distance (far away; far off; far out). 2 a long way (off) in space or time (are you travelling far?; we talked far into the night). 3 to a great extent or degree; by much (far better; far the best; far too early). --adj. 1 situated at or extending over a great distance in space or time; remote (a far cry; a far country). 2 more distant (the far end of the hall). Phrases and idioms as far as 1 to the distance of (a place). 2 to the extent that (travel as far as you like). by far by a great amount. far and away by a very large amount. far and near everywhere. far and wide over a large area. far-away 1 remote; long-past. 2 (of a look) dreamy. 3 (of a voice) sounding as if from a distance. far be it from me (foll. by to + infin.) I am reluctant to (esp. express criticism etc.). far cry a long way. the Far East China, Japan, and other countries of E. Asia. Far Eastern of or in the Far East. far-fetched (of an explanation etc.) strained, unconvincing. far-flung extending far; widely distributed. far from very different from being; tending to the opposite of (the problem is far from being solved). far gone 1 advanced in time. 2 colloq. in an advanced state of illness, drunkenness, etc. far-off remote. far-out 1 distant. 2 avant-garde, unconventional, excellent. far-reaching 1 widely applicable. 2 having important consequences or implications. far-seeing shrewd in judgement; prescient. go far 1 achieve much. 2 contribute greatly. 3 be adequate. go too far go beyond the limits of what is reasonable, polite, etc. how far to what extent. so far 1 to such an extent or distance; to this point. 2 until now. so (or in so) far as (or that) to the extent that. so far so good progress has been satisfactory up to now. Derivatives farness n. Etymology: OE feorr ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) гораздо 2) далекий 3) далеко 4) дальний 5) значительно 6) на большом расстоянии 7) отдаленный 8) удаленный as far as possible — по мере возможности as far as we know — насколько нам известно as far back as — еще во время drive as far as it will go — вколачивать до отказа far side of Moon — обратная сторона Луны go as far as — доходить - far apart - far bank - far from being - far from - far infra-red radiation - far infrared laser - far infrared - far off - far zone - infinitely far - not far from - not far - so far as - so far forth - so far - sufficiently far - thus far ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  правая сторона (животного) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. дальний, далекий; отдаленный from a far country —- из далекой страны far journey —- далекое путешествие far future —- далекое (отдаленное) будущее 2. (более) отдаленный at the far side of the room —- в глубине комнаты on the far side of the river —- на той стороне реки Id: a far cry —- большое расстояние; большой промежуток времени; большая разница Id: it is a far cry to that place —- до этого места очень далеко 3. далеко, на большом расстоянии (также far away, far off, far out) to wander far —- бродить далеко not far to seek —- недалеко искать far into the air —- высоко в воздух far into the ground —- глубоко в землю to dig far down —- копать глубоко far from —- далеко от how far? —- как далеко? I don't know how far I should believe him —- не знаю, насколько ему можно верить thus far —- до сих пор that far —- так далеко; на таком расстоянии 4. давно; в далеком прошлом или будущем; к концу, в конце (какого-л. периода) far back in the past —- в далеком прошлом as far back as June —- еще в июне far in the day —- к концу дня far into the night —- до поздней (до глубокой) ночи 5. гораздо, намного far the best of all —- значительно лучше всех остальных; самый лучший far different —- сильно отличающийся a far surer method —- гораздо более надежный метод he was not far wrong —- он был недалек от истины 6. в грам. знач. сущ. далекое расстояние from far —- издали,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. feorr "to a great distance, long ago," from P.Gmc. *ferro, from PIE *per-. In figurative sense, far-fetched is from 1607; far-sighted is 1641 in figurative sense, 1878 in literal sense (hypermetropic). Far-out began 1954 as jazz slang. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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